
Save on a Wellness Plan for your Pet

By October 16, 2020April 2nd, 2021No Comments

Routine veterinary care is essential for keeping your pet in the healthiest form possible. It allows most medical issues that might come up to be prevented, or at least caught early enough for treatment. And doesn’t everyone want longer, happier lives for their pets?

Our set wellness plans are an extension of our mission as a hospital—part of which is to emphasize proactive and preventative care—but they’re also incredibly convenient for you. Depending on the pet, signing up for a wellness plan for your furry friend could save you up to $203! Plus, the plan allows you to pay month by month for services you would have paid for anyway, bringing the average cost of a visit down.

Wellness Plans include:

  • Preventative Care Exams
  • Annual Core Vaccines
  • Annual Supply of Heartworm Preventive
  • Annual Supply of Flea & Tick Preventive
  • Annual Bloodwork and Fecal Exam
  • Additional discounts off Services

To learn more about our wellness plans, visit the page on our website—or just give us a call at 336-873-7997.

VIP Wellness Plans